Monday, December 27, 2010


You Know?.

..the brain represents about 2% of your total body weight. It is roughly 140mm wide, 167mm long and 93mm high

Did You Know?

...neurons multiply at a rate 250,000 neurons per minute during early pregnancy

Did You Know?

...your brain uses approximately 20% of the total oxygen pumping around your body!

...and about 750ml of blood pumps through your brain every minute!

You Know?

...unconsciousness will occur after 8-10 seconds after loss of blood supply to the brain

Did You Know?

...your brain consists of 60% white matter and 40% grey matter

Did You Know?

...information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Transmission can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec. 

Traveling at 120 meters/sec is the same as going 268 miles/hour

Did You Know?

The human brain is approximately 75% water

You Know?

."I had brain surgery 10 years ago, so I know some pretty fascinating things about the brain. One of the most fascinating things I learned is that the brain itself is incapable of feeling pain. (That doesn't mean brain surgery doesn't hurt!)"
Fascinating Fact by:
 Kris Webb ~North Carolina, USA
Did You Know?

...the number of internal thought pathways that your brain is capable of producing is:
one followed by 10.5 million kilometers of standard typewritten zero's!

(source: Tony Buzan, Head Strong 2001)

Did You Know?

...your brain is capable of having more ideas than the number of atoms in the known universe!

(source: Tony Buzan, Head Strong 2001) 

Did You 
...if you could harness the power used by your brain, you could power as a 10-watt light bulb

Did You Know?

...your brain consists of about 100 billion neurons!

That's about 166 times the number of people on the planet! 
(source: Tony Buzan)

It would take you approximately 171 years to  count them all!

(source: E. Chudler)

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